Sharkscope collects player and tournament results from many poker sites, including all the ones that operate in the United States ⭕️ (PokerStars, Partygaming, WSOP, etc.). A hybrid subscription/free service, user can look up the results of any player they come across ⭕️ while playing online, but a lot of the good stuff is behind a subscription wall.
Curious how GPI Award winning Dumptruck69 ⭕️ is doing on WSOP in Pennsylvania? Take a peak and get a picture on Sharkscope, which gives non-subscribers five free ⭕️ searches a day. That’s Cherish Andrews by the way, the 2024 GPI Female Player of the Year, who just won ⭕️ her first WSOP Circuit ring on Aug. 19.
Take a peak.
Andrews could contact Sharkscope and opt-in and see the other pieces ⭕️ of information, including what would be a very sexy chip graph. Or she could completely opt-out, which would stop the ⭕️ site from displaying anything about the poker played under her username except that she opted-out.
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